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Private Tutoring at Juliet Music and Art Center

At the Juliet Music and Art Center, we are pleased to offer private tutoring services tailored to meet the individual needs of students in grades K through 5. Our private tutoring sessions are conducted by Education Majors from accredited institutions, ensuring high-quality instruction in core subjects such as Math, Reading, and Writing.

Comprehensive Support

Our private tutoring program goes beyond basic academic support. In addition to helping students master core subjects, our tutors also provide test preparation and homework assistance, equipping students with the skills and confidence they need to excel in school.

Flexible Scheduling

We understand that families have busy schedules, which is why we offer flexible scheduling options for private tutoring sessions. Whether you prefer weekday or weekend sessions, morning or afternoon appointments, we strive to accommodate your needs to ensure a convenient and stress-free experience for both students and parents.

How to Schedule

For more information or to schedule a private tutoring session, please inquire at our main office. You can also reach out to us via email at for further inquiries or to book an appointment.

By offering private tutoring at Juliet Music and Art Center, we aim to provide personalized academic support that complements our afterschool care and enrichment programs. We believe that every student has the potential to succeed, and with the right support and guidance, they can achieve their academic goals and build a strong foundation for future success. We look forward to assisting your child on their educational journey!

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